8 Tips on How to Eat Healthy in College

You know your diet is important, but knowing how to eat healthy in college isn’t as easy as actually doing it. With a hectic schedule, you’ll likely find yourself making quick meals and relying on takeout way more often than you should.

But what we eat affects how we feel, and your diet has a much greater effect on academic performance than you may realize. That’s right, it turns out eating healthy in college may actually help you get better grades.

We all love college hacks, and a scoop of Live it Up Super Greens packs your entire daily dose of green vegetables into one delicious drink. This, of course, is just one option. Now, let’s dig deeper into the best tips for healthy eating in college.

Your Eating Habits Last a Lifetime: Why College Nutrition Matters

  • Avoid the “freshman 15” or unnecessary weight gain
  • Naturally elevate your mood and energy without caffeine or energy drinks
  • Develop good eating habits that set you up for a healthy future

These are the three greatest benefits of eating healthy in college. You’ll learn what a balanced diet actually means and how to make delicious, nutritious food (even from your dorm room). When you’re learning how to eat healthy in college, it’s important to find out what foods you like, flavors you enjoy, and the easiest, most enjoyable ways to prepare them.

8 Tips for Eating Healthy in College

Here are our top eight tips to help you manage the transition to university life.

1. Understand What Healthy Choices Look Like

It’s okay to enjoy pizza, ramen, and some junk food in moderation. No one who eats healthy will be in jeopardy if they have potato chips with lunch or decide to indulge in some extra-cheesy macaroni and cheese once in a while. All in moderation!

In fact, knowing when to eat less healthy foods is part of making healthy choices. You understand the importance of a balanced diet and how to manage your calorie and sugar intake.

You should also learn the difference between healthy fats and unhealthy fats. This is a major step toward making better choices when it comes to food. Simple lifestyle changes can also have big payoffs. For example, you can eliminate fried food by opting for baked, roasted, air-fried, or grilled variations of your favorite meals.

2. Eat Regular Meals

One of the mistakes many students make is skipping meals and then binge eating. When you skip meals, you put yourself at a disadvantage for a lot of things, including a lower mood, poorer brain function, and lower energy levels. You may also throw your metabolism off balance, which could lead to weight gain or make it harder to lose weight if you’re trying to.

Make sure that you time your meals at regular intervals. Try to eat breakfast, lunch, and dinner at the same time every day. You’ll also find that eating regularly makes you more satisfied with less food because your body isn’t running on empty.

3. Learn Healthy Recipes

Most college students aren’t master chefs, but that’s okay! You don’t need to be a skilled cook with a big budget to make good food. Think about a simple recipe like grilled chicken over a bed of leafy greens or some roasted chickpeas with a serving of white rice.

When you learn basic healthy recipes, it becomes easier to build upon them. You can learn to add your own touches, figure out what flavors you love, and actually have fun cooking your own meals.

Even if you only have a microwave, you can steam some frozen vegetables and season them to perfection. With a low-fat sandwich on the side, you have a great lunch or dinner in minutes.

4. Set a Limit on Takeout

We know Uber Eats is so tempting when you’re hungry and overworked, but don’t give in to convenience. There are tons of other healthy foods you can make in less than 10 minutes that are just as filling and good as food out.

You don’t have to always avoid takeout, though. If you limit yourself to once a month, you’ll find yourself enjoying restaurants more and saving money in the process.

When you do eat out, aim for healthier options. A great burrito bowl, for example, can save you a lot of calories and fat over traditional fast food joints.

5. Consider a Dietary Supplement

Getting loads of fresh produce isn’t always easy on a college budget. That’s why we love supplements that can help boost nutrition affordably. A high-quality super greens powder can easily help you get vitamins and nutrients without breaking the bank.

For example, Live it Up Super Greens contains over 20 superfoods loaded with vitamins and helpful nutrients, like potassium, calcium, iron, and sodium, that may help support your immune system and energy levels.

You can combine a supplement with healthy meals or drink it by itself. It’s easy and quick to prepare, so you can rely on it during busy days when you might not have time to prepare fruits and vegetables.

6. Buy Healthy Alternatives to Your Favorite Foods

You can eat what you love and eat healthier by swapping typical ingredients for healthier alternatives. Consider whipping up your own avocado toast with whole-grain bread or opting for whole-grain or protein pasta over its more starchy counterpart.

Here are some other alternatives you can try:

  • Replace white rice with cauliflower rice
  • Swap mayonnaise with hummus or Greek yogurt
  • Buy low-fat cheese instead of regular
  • Use real oats instead of premade oatmeal
  • Replace sugar and artificial sweeteners with honey or maple syrup
  • Eat whole-wheat English muffins instead of bagels
  • Grill an eggplant or a Portobello mushroom instead of a beef burger

7. Make Your Own Snacks

Junk food is so popular among college kids because it’s cheap and easy. Instead of eating lots of sodium, trans fats, and empty calories, make your own alternatives. Some great snacks for college students include nuts, dried fruit, veggie sticks and hummus, low-fat cheese sticks, baby carrots, and even a few pieces of dark chocolate.

8. Master the Art of Meal Planning

You may think meal plans are for moms, but they actually benefit everybody. Meal planning is as simple as writing a bullet list of what you’ll eat for dinner over the upcoming week. Breakfast can be granola, toast, or some fresh fruit.

Simply by meal planning, you put extra thought into your diet, which naturally encourages you to make better choices. Having a healthy meal plan can also make you more motivated to eat better instead of opting for whatever’s cheapest or most convenient.

Final Thoughts

Learning how to eat healthy in college may be challenging at first but becomes easier with practice. Focus on having a balanced diet, eliminating excess sugar, and avoiding ingredients like trans/saturated fat, high sodium, and additives.

You can get yourself on the right path toward a healthy diet today; check out Live it Up Super Greens products for your daily dose of nutrients.
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