The LSAT is one proof that aspiring lawyers have something special to willingly undertake such an immensely challenging exam. But almost every popular lawyer since the 1950s has taken and passed the LSAT. It is a rite of passage for those pursuing a legal education. If you’re one of the thousands of students currently preparing for […]
Continue readingIf you are a type of person that is passionate about making a real difference in people’s lives, there’s a good chance you’ve considered a career in the law. But the difference-making power that a law degree gives you doesn’t come easy—there are many hurdles you have to clear on the long path to a […]
Continue readingCompared to all the other standardized tests available today, the LSAT sections are a few with the most straightforward format. One look at the LSAT sections, and you’ll get a pretty good idea of what skills and knowledge are going to be tested. However, this doesn’t mean that you can just glimpse at this test’s format […]
Continue readingLSAT scoring isn’t nearly as straightforward as it seems. Contrary to popular belief. LSAT scores alone aren’t the only measurements taken into account by leading law schools. Percentile rankings and soft skills are also considered alongside LSAT scores, along with extracurricular activities, work experience and so on. Still, it goes without saying that your application won’t […]
Continue readingThere’s simply no denying it: the LSAT is one of the most notoriously difficult standardized tests out there. That’s why it’s so important for prospective law students to be diligent in their preparations to take the exam. Beyond getting your hands on a top LSAT prep book and studying it carefully, you should also spend additional […]
Continue readingFor all prospective law students, there is a specter that haunts their undergraduate years. For all the learning and growing and fun they have as college students, somewhere in the backs of their minds is the lingering knowledge that, sooner or later, they will have to face the daunting task of taking the LSAT. The LSAT, […]
Continue readingThere’s simply no getting around it: the LSAT is hard. Like, really hard. That’s why one of the first questions many prospective law students ask is how many times can you take the LSAT? Indeed, this is vital information for any test-taker, since doing well on the exam is such a challenge, even if you’ve […]
Continue readingAs if the unparalleled difficulty of the LSAT exam wasn’t enough to make it a daunting endeavor, the LSAT cost adds a further element of fear for prospective law school students. If you’ve already purchased a Kaplan or other great LSAT prep books, then it’s time to start thinking about preparing financially for the exam itself. Indeed, […]
Continue readingHow Hard Is the LSAT, really? Almost all aspiring law professionals will have to take it at some point, but how difficult is it to score highly on? Many people score highly on it, but not everyone, so is that a sign of it being especially difficult or are people often just underprepared for it? Below, […]
Continue readingMany people know that pursuing a law degree requires that you take the Law School Admission Test (LSAT) and get accepted to a law school, but few people know how to read their LSAT scores and understand what their potential schools are looking for in students that take the test. Below you will find the […]
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