MCAT Registration | Do Not Miss the Date to Start Your Medical Career
Did you ever dream of becoming a doctor? There are several stages that you need to go through before achieving your dream. You may feel intimidated by the number of tasks you have to complete. Do not worry, our team wants you to have a smooth MCAT process.
MCAT registration is based on an examination that determines your medical school eligibility. Depending on which school you want to attend, you want to consider a score goal, which an mcat review course will help with. We want to help you navigate this journey as easy as possible.
Before the MCAT registration

I know you’re probably thinking about what to do with all the extra time you have on your hands. Begin, by creating a disciplined schedule for your MCAT.
Allocate 2-4 hours of studying for your exam. You should also try to complete prerequisite courses required for med-school before the test.
Time management can be a hassle, you want to have a stronger way of tracking time. Since seats fill up quickly you want to plan out your studying around the months you can register for.
When MCAT registration opens in October or February, don’t take any risks and sign up as soon as October.
The preparation portion can be hard for you in the beginning, but with practice, you can cultivate a space of gradual growth. At the end of your medical journey, you’ll see how all your hard work paid off.
Who can take the MCAT?
Who can take the MDo molecular biology and organic chemistry sound fascinating to you? Do you want to be around people who thrive in the STEM field? You are eligible to take the MCAT if you are considering a health professions school.
Any students who want to further study allopathic, osteopathic, podiatric, or veterinary medicine can qualify for this exam. If you want to further your process, you should decide on what you want to specialize in. This way you can narrow down your possibilities and complete the tasks faster.CAT?
Determine Your MCAT Eligibility

Are you passing most of your practice exams? If studying and your workflow is becoming easier you can start thinking about the MCAT.
You don’t want to feel rushed or behind, take your time because once you take the test you’ll receive an official score.
If you are a STEM major, you can begin to think about taking the MCAT as early as your junior year.
Particularly, for students who want to go straight into medical school after they graduate, you want to start thinking ahead from freshman year since it's a hard test to prepare for.
You are eligible to take the MCAT if you are planning to earn a M.D.- granting program, D.O.- granting program. Podiatric, veterinary medicine, and any other health-related programs. Before you register you’ll have to agree with a health-related program.
Secure Appropriate Identification
Certainly, this is one of your main priorities for the day of the test. Your identification is your ticket into the exam without it you’ll leave with the frustration of reapplying for the exam.
Bring an ID that has your first and last name, it must exactly match the MCAT registration name. The ID must be in English and be issued by a government agency. You want to include a photo that can confirm your identification.
If you forgot your ID, the test administrator will not accept virtual IDs, employee IDs, school IDs, and library cards. Double-check that your ID does not pass the expiration day because that’ll push you back.
Select The Best Test Dates

Furthermore, make sure you have mastered the test prep content. In this way, you’ll be able to choose the best dates suitable for you. The locations and available seating are important for you to consider.
Often the MCAT can seem like a long waiting game, however with a calculated decision you can take the test much quicker and with good results.
Selecting the best dates should depend on the amount of time you decide to prepare for them.
Since the scores are released 30 days after the test you want to already start thinking if you’ll need to retake the MCAT. Retaking the exam may put you at a disadvantage if you are aiming to enter med-school. You don’t want a poor MCAT score ruining your application, combine MCAT prep with a balanced test date.
Register for the MCAT
The registration part can be the scariest because it’s when everything becomes more real for the candidate. You will receive your test scores and it will determine whether or not you can continue for the MCAT program. It is a make-it or break-it situation, but it’s up to the preparation process.
Once you set a daily regimen of how much time you want to allocate studying, you can slowly start to build your discipline. You want to have your identification cards ready and create an AAMC ID.
Go to the MCAT Registration system to ensure your registration identification. You can also plan out your preselected exam dates online. Although, this seems like a lot of steps do not worry because we will take you through each step of the way.
Tips to Register and Schedule MCAT

Additionally, you can follow the @AAMC_MCAT Twitter account for most updates.
You want to be alert as possible to schedule an appointment for your test day.
First, you want to read the MCAT Essentials. This will help you learn about the MCAT policies and procedures and scoring details for your registration.
You want to understand all the rules because on the day of the exam you won’t be able to look it over. If you have further questions you want to have them answered weeks before your test date. Contact the AAMC services with questions. They will assist you as much as possible.
MCAT 2019 Registration Dates and Deadlines
Frequently, candidates can forget about the dates and deadlines for the MCAT. It can slow down the process and make you even more stressed. At the very beginning part of your preparation make a planner or a large timesheet to record your progress.
In this case, you can understand which material to go over and which material you’ve mastered. For instance, you can begin by purchasing the best MCAT prep books and split it by sections. Each day you can go over the section and keep track of how far you’ll need to go before your test.
Be aware of when registration opens for the test dates you want. October enlists the test dates for January-June dates, while February opens it for July-September dates.
Application Fees

For students who are unsure about the MCAT, you want to consider that the MCAT is a financial investment.
Calculating money can be stressful for most new students. Start saving up through part-time jobs or scholarships to avoid excess stress.
There are 3 main zones for your finances: the gold, silver, and bronze. All deadlines for scheduling fees are at 7:59 a.m. The initial fee is $315 just for the registration. If you want to reschedule it’ll be $95, so wisely choose your test date.
The cancellation refund is only $155 and if you’re an international candidate it’ll be $110. It’s important for candidates to be confident in their testing abilities before the exam.
What to do After Registration?
After registration, you can begin thinking about how to prepare for your testing day by understanding how long the test is, the various sections, knowing MCAT hacks & tips, . You want to arrive at your location at least 20-30 minutes before. You don’t want to be rushing in the test center looking for your room.
Luckily, you can begin your check-in process in advance. A short video will go over the process of what you’ll need to do at the test center. You want to know what to expect on test day.
The test center ensures fairness and quality for all the testing conditions. As an examinee, claim these rights and create a convenient testing day for you.